
Information Systems for Health (IS4H)

We are working closely with WHO/PAHO to help countries re-engineer their information systems to provide timely and accurate data to help improve public health decision making.


This project works with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) to develop an information system that will enable local health departments and other stakeholders in Illinois to use and analyze data currently being disseminated by IDPH.

Improving Patient Outcomes by Listening to Their Social Media Communications

With access to a database of more than 1.2 trillion public social media posts, the Center for Health Informatics conducts multiple studies into online discussion about multiple health-related topics including covid-19, influenza, skin diseases, and mental health.


This project will develop a mobile sensor technology for performing detection and identification of viral and bacterial pathogens. The PathTracker system will enable rapid determination and reporting of instances of infectious disease that can inform treatment and quarantine responses that are currently not possible with tests performed at central laboratory facilities.


 INDICATOR is a novel information system for collecting, integrating, and analyzing data from multiple sources to provide public health decision makers real-time data on the health of their community. Data comes from sources as varied as emergency department visits, school attendance, veterinary clinics, and social media postings and together have been used to change public policy in outbreak events.